Kailua/Waimanalo AYSO
Jamboree Division
Let's learn about soccer!
ELIGIBILITY: 4- and 5-Year Olds (Must be 4 by first session)
2024 DATES: Jan 18, 25, Feb 1, 8, 15 (Five Saturday sessions no weekday practices)
TIME: 8:30 - 9:30am (check-in 8 - 8:30am)
PLACE: Kailua District Park Pavilion
For more information about our Jamboree soccer program, contact the Jamboree Coordinator at [email protected].
What is the AYSO Jamboree program?
As recommended by the American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) National Coaching Commission, the Kailua/Waimanalo Region has adopted the “Jamboree One with One” program. This program introduces 4- and 5-year olds to soccer in a fun, pressure-free environment. A “jamboree” means that teams are formed on a weekly basis depending on how many Players attend a given session. “One with One” refers to the concept that each Player will have a Parent (or other adult) working with them on the field.
The Jamboree season is comprised of 5 weekly Saturday sessions led by volunteer coaches. Each session lasts approximately 1 hour. There are no weekday practices. At each session the coaches will introduce a game/activity that will involve a certain skill or part of the game using explanation and demonstration. Each Player and Parent will then attempt the activity while the coaches circulate among the Players and Parents, providing help and guidance as needed. At the last session the Players will have a chance to use all of the skills they have learned, jamboree style.